AT-HOME MOBILE PHYSIOTHERAPY we see and honour the importance of teamwork with our patients. Our main objective is to deliver quality and safe patient services that are personalized to everyone. We work WITH you as a team to manage your pain and help you achieve your goals. Our team is positive, motivated, and well experienced who will treat you as a completely unique individual. We will diagnose and customize your treatment plan to help you achieve your results and recovery in the most effective way.
There are many reasons people choose Mobile Physiotherapy over traditional hospital or clinic/facility-based services, including:
· One-on-one therapy: for the duration of the consultation, our therapist’s time is solely focused on you and your treatment (unlike in hospitals or rehab clinic/facility).
· Comprehensive care: our Physiotherapists liaise with your GP, Specialists, Care-givers, and family to ensure you are receiving the best possible treatment outcome.
· Comfort and privacy: undergo your treatment in your own safe and comfortable environment.
· Risk assessments of your home: our Physiotherapists conduct full assessments of patients’ homes to identify and eliminate fall-risk hazards.
· Spending time where it matters: mobile physiotherapy helps to keep you out of hospital and Aged Care Facilities so that you are spending more time in your home.
· Fewer burdens on others: by having us come to you, you aren’t relying on friends or family to get you to appointments.
· Saving time: mobile physiotherapy patients do not have to battle traffic, find parking, or wait in busy hospitals or clinic/facility.
At Home Rehab to help keep you at home instead of hospital or care home facility. Rehabilitation assistants will implement the treatment plan of our clinicians in an economical manner and often at 50% less than the initial assessment fee.
At Home Physiotherapy: Assessments performed by a physiotherapist who analyzes your biomechanical strengths and weakness and will educate you and your care giver how to optimize your ADL (Activities of Daily Living)
At Home Kinesiology who follows the treatment plan set out by a physiotherapist or occupational therapist.
At Home Occupational therapy consult
At Home Dietician phone consult (Dysphagia)